Harmony FAQ

Is the ClearLift Pixel laser painful?

No it is not painful. The ClearLift laser creates tiny heat points in the dermis and does not cause damage to the outer layer of the epidermis.

Will I experience downtime after the Clearlift laser Treatment?

Usually there is no downtime following the ClearLift laser treatment and it is considered a true “lunchtime procedure”.

Can the Harmony XL PRO laser be combined with other skin treatments?

Yes, combined treatments are highly recommended. There are two options: utilizing various technology combinations available on the Harmony system or combining laser treatments with fillers such as hyaluronic acid.

How many sessions are recommended for the ClearSkin laser Acne treatment?

This varies, on average 4 to 6 sessions and then maintenance as necessary.

How many ClearSkin sessions before I will notice a change in Acne scars?

There may be some improvement from the first session, but after 3 to 4 sessions there should be noticeable improvements.

Does the Harmony XL PRO laser treat visible leg veins as well as facial vascular lesions?

Yes, the Harmony XL PRO treats vascular lesions such as small varicose veins, spider veins etc. anywhere on the body and face. For vascular lesions the Cooled LP ND:Yag is very effective, for the smaller lesions the Dye-VL applicator me be used.

What applicator can best treat sun damage on the face and chest areas?

Both the Dye-VL and the Dye-SR applicators are effective for treating superficial pigmented and vascular lesions of the sun-damaged areas. These can be used in the unique "in-motion" technique and thus keep the treatment safe and comfortable for the patient.

Will I experience downtime after the High Power UVB treatment for Psoriasis?

Usually there is no downtime following UVB treatment for Vitiligo or Psoriasis, however it is recommended not to expose the area of the treatment for direct sun rays for a few days.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a long-term chronic skin problem that causes skin cells to grow too quickly, resulting in thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin. Psoriasis can occur on elbows, knees, scalp, the torso, palms and the soles of the feet. Even though psoriasis has no real cure, treatment is available with Harmony XL PRO.

How many treatments are required to remove a tattoo? How long does the overall process take?

That depends on the size, age and location of the tattoo. Some large tattoos are so big they can't be covered in one session, thus requiring more appointments. Also, older tattoos are harder to remove as over time the pigment goes deeper within the skin. Keep in mind that intervals of 6 to 8 weeks between tattoo-removal sessions are mandatory. Therefore an 8-session process can take slightly more than a year.

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